

The importance of the discipline of History in Social Sciences can hardly be overemphasized. While making the students familiar with the study of the past, the study of History also instills within them the skill of dealing with the current complexities in human society in the context of the experiences gained through the study of the past. Human society continues to be shaped by the contest between primordialism with evolving theories of human progress- which is studied through historic periodisations within the discipline. This enables a student to better understand the present dynamics in society. 

Given the evolutionary nature of the discipline in present times significant care has been given to emphasise the multidisciplinary character of the subject. The proposed course plans to cover major areas of global history while giving special emphasis to the evolution of India’s indigenous history. Undertaking this course, thus, would equip the students with knowledge and skills being demanded in higher education everywhere. Apart from academics or government services, the students undertaking this course could also opt for a successful career in tourism and culture oriented service sector.

CoursesYearsSemesterEligibility CriteriaMarks Required
BA (History)48Passed/Appeared in 10 + 2 (Stream: Any Stream)
MA (History)24Passed/Appeared B.A. (Hons.) in History50%
Rohit Dutta Roy

Assistant Professor & HOD - History

Email: rohit.dr@snuniv.ac.in

Rohit Dutta Roy is a historian of modern South Asia. Rohit has been a Cambridge International Trust doctoral scholar at the Faculty of History, University of Cambridge. His academic work focuses on politico-intellectual history, applied history and public policies informing disciplines, institutions, and identity formation. Before he began his doctoral project at Cambridge, Rohit completed a first-class MPhil in History from Jawaharlal Nehru University, a first-class MA in History from the University of Delhi, and first-class BA and MA degrees in Comparative Literature from Jadavpur University.  He has qualified for Assistant Professorship in History through the National Eligibility Test (NET).

He has taught Indian Political Thought and Policy History at both Cambridge and India. He has also taught undergraduate research-oriented courses such as the History of Democracy, Global Migration and Citizenship, Gandhian Approaches to Peace and Conflict Studies, etc. He has taught courses on Historical Arguments and Practice, World History Since 1914, for the Faculty of History, Jesus College and Pembroke College, Cambridge. Rohit’s bylines have appeared in Indian English and bilingual dailies, including The Telegraph, The Wire, Newslaundry, the Citizen. His research papers and review essays have been published by Orient Blackswan and various University Press Journals. 

Somreeta Majumdar

Assistant Professor - History

Email: somreeta.m@snuniv.ac.in

Dr. Somreeta Majumdar is currently  Assistant Professor of Department of History at Sister Nivedita University, New Town. She received PhD from Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan. She worked on the landscape and cultural milieu of the Buddhist establishments of West Bengal. She completed MA in History from University of Delhi and BA in History (Hons.) from Jadavpur University. She qualified UGC NET in 2018 and started teaching History at Kalyani Mahavidyalaya. Her research interests include Art and Archaeology of Buddhism, landscape study, Archaeology and History of Early Medieval India.




Sarda Singh received her doctorate at the Centre for Historical Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She graduated in History at St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi and went on to pursue her Masters and MPhil in Modern Indian History at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her Ph.D. work, titled “Sepoy Experiences in World War I: Medicine, Morale and Health (1914-18)”, explores the experiences of the Indian soldiers, their challenges, struggles, self-esteem, loyalties and griefs. In her MPhil dissertation titled “Madness and the Raj: Case Histories of European and Native Lunatics in Colonial India” she examined the relationship between ‘madness’ and colonialism. 

She is presently working as a Visiting Faculty at the Department of History, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. She has published her articles in various journals and presented her research in national and international conferences. Her research interests include South Asian History, History of Colonial Science and Medicine, Military Medicine, History of War, History of Psychiatry, History of Emotions, Insanity and Gendered Violence. 

Arkaprava Sarkar


Email: arkapravasarkar842@gmail.com

Arkaprava Sarkar is currently a Visiting Faculty in the Department of History, Sister Nivedita University. He also serves as a Research Consultant at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. Previously, Arkaprava has also taught as a Visiting Faculty in the Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies, University of Calcutta, as well as in the Department of History, Hindi University, Howrah.
For his first degrees in History (BA and MA), Arkaprava was trained at Presidency University (formerly Presidency College), Kolkata, where he secured the First Rank in his Master's examination. Arkaprava obtained his M. Phil degree in History from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, where his thesis focused on exploring the social history of medicine in colonial India. His research sought to reconsider and reexamine the position of the white soldier's body within late nineteenth century medical/therapeutic discourses. His research interests also include the histories of science, gender, and spatiality

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CoursesFee During Admission (Including 1st Semester Fee / 1st installment for annual scheme)Fee 2nd semester / 2nd installment onwardsProgram Fees Total
BA (History)6100025000236000
MA (History)6300027000144000


SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseCurriculum Structure & Syllabus
School of HumanitiesHistoryBA (History)Click To View
School of HumanitiesHistoryMA (History)Click To View
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