School of Agricultural Sciences

School of Agricultural Sciences

The School of Agricultural Sciences is the new initiative of Techno-India Group of Institutions where it is started B.Sc (Ag.) Hons. Course and Bachelor of Fisheries Science (B.F.Sc) as per rules and regulations of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the system of agricultural education wherein teaching, research and extension programme are proposed to be included in conformity with maintaining standard and quality at par in other institutions imparting the degree in agriculture and allied sciences. It is also in the process to conduct researches in these sciences and undertake the educational and extension programmes in agriculture among the rural clientele base, keeping in view the requirements of the country.

Importance of Agriculture Education System

India, accounting for 17% of world's population and over 30% of world’s smallholder farmers, and hardly 2.5% of the world's land and 4% of world’s water resources, greatly impacts and gets impacted by the state of global food, agriculture and natural resource system. Hence, India Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), apex body of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India come forward to design the course-curriculum in imparting agricultural education, conducting agricultural research and transferring proven technologies (extension) to the farmers to boost up agricultural productivity maintaining uniformity throughout the country. The major global initiatives and foresight must be kept in mind while developing leadership in agricultural sciences to ensure global competitiveness, equitable knowledge sharing, and environmental sustainability. The new curricula, courses and contents have been designed as recommended by the 5th Dean’s Committee constituted to let the students aware of the new global initiatives, such as Global Green Economy; Knowledge Economy; Global Zero Hunger Challenge; UN International Year and International Agriculture and Development Challenge, 2050.

Over the years, the visibility of basic sciences in agricultural curricula has decreased; On the other hand, globally greater emphasis is being placed on life sciences - biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, bio-remediation, bioenergy, biosecurity and computational biology. Agriculture graduates and scientists should increasingly seek employment and research opportunities in these frontier areas. Rural Appraisal Work Education (RAWE) and Hands on Training will remain extremely important in this context, the science-based hands on learning experience be duly promoted.

About Education System in Agricultural Sciences

Agricultural Sciences involved with farming that is the cultivation and breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food, fiber, bio-fuel, medicinal plants and other products used to sustain and enhance human life. Agriculture was the key development in the rise of human civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that nurtured the development of civilization. The study of agriculture is known as agricultural science. Agriculture helps to meet the basic needs of human and their civilization by providing food, clothing, shelters, medicine and recreation. Hence, agriculture is the most important enterprise in the world. It is a productive unit where the free gifts of nature namely land, light, air, temperature and rain water etc., are integrated into single primary unit indispensable for human beings and it helps to maintain a biological equilibrium in nature.

Agriculture and allied Sciences (Braches) that offered degree courses as follows:
1. Agriculture
2. Agriculture Engineering
3. Biotechnology
4. Dairy Technology
5. Fisheries
6. Food Technology
7. Forestry
8. Community Science (Home Science)
9. Food Nutrition and Dietetics
10. Horticulture
11. Sericulture

Agriculture: Number of minimum departments essentially required
1. Agronomy (Crop Science, Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering)
2. Horticulture (mainly Pomology, Oericulture, Floriculture and Medicinal Crops)
3. Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry (Soil Microbiology and Soil-water Conservation)
4. Genetics and Plant Breeding (Seed Science, Crop Physiology, Biotechnology and Bio Chemistry)
5. Agricultural Extension & Communication
6. Agricultural Entomology
7. Plant Pathology
8. Agricultural Economics

In Final Year 7th and 8th Semester there two important parts:

1. Student READY (Rural and Entrepreneurship Awareness Development Yojana)
In compliance with the Student READY programme launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India on 25th July, 2015, the following components are proposed for conducting one year program in all the UG disciplines:

2. Experiential Learning (EL)
Rural Agriculture Work Experience (RAWE)
In Plant Training/ Industrial Attachment
Hands-on Training (HOT) / Skill Development Training

Students Projects
1. Environmental Studies and Disaster Management
2. Communication Skills and Personality Development
3. Information and Communication Technology
4. Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management
5. Agricultural Informatics
6. Economics and Marketing

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC):
Towards building a more knowledge intensive agriculture and associated food chains as also safeguarding the environment through sustainable use of natural resources, a new strategy for education and learning is required. In addition to formal on-campus education, open, informal, distance, off-campus, continuing learning for all should be promoted. Online learning should be used for linking learners, learning materials and mentors / teachers deploying technology mediation. The Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are the recent disruptive innovations that can enable a small group of teachers/mentors to offer learning services to many people in the duration of a single course. MOOC can be meaningfully and effectively harnessed for training of public on a massive scale. Considering the need to explore the opportunities and challenges for capacity building in Indian agriculture using MOOC, the NAAS in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), Vancouver, Canada convened a brainstorming session in 2014, and prepared a roadmap for adopting MOOC in NARS. Individual universities, as per the roadmap, should develop custom-designed MOOCs to meet the skill requirements of their students, as desired under the Skill India initiative.

Mentoring comprising “role modelling , giving counsel, providing acceptance and confirmation, and offering friendship”, if properly administered, would benefit our institutions to: build bridges across the hierarchy levels, empower change management, enhance work ownership and sharing of responsibility, retention of team members, expansion of learning ecosystem and good practices etc. This would result in enhanced transfer of skills, knowledge, products, technologies, and services, leading to elevated performance and contribution. The NAAS, through a brainstorming session has prepared a roadmap for mentoring, emphasizing the need for matching the experience and wisdom of mentor with the learning needs of mentee.

Student READY program
i. Experiential Learning/Hands on Training
ii. Skill Development Training
iii. Rural Agriculture Work Experience
iv. In Plant Training/ Industrial attachment
v. Students Projects

The students will be required to have any three of the five components listed above depending on the requirement of their graduate education but it should be implemented for the complete year, so that their education up to level of III year may get right information in IV year and finally they should attend right stage of entrepreneurship.

1. To provide an opportunity to the students to understand the rural setting in relation to agriculture and allied activities.
2. To make the students familiar with socio-economic conditions of the farmers and their problems.
3. To impart diagnostic and remedial knowledge to the students relevant to real field situations through practical training.
4. To develop communication skills in students using extension teaching methods in transfer of technology.
5. To develop confidence and competence to solve agricultural problems.
6. To acquaint students with on-going extension and rural development programmes.

Experiential Learning Programme (ELP)/ Hands on Training (HOT)

This program will be undertaken by the students preferably during the eighth semester for a total duration of 24 weeks with a weightage of 0+20 credit hours. The students will register for any of two modules, listed below, of 0+10 credit hours each.

1. Production Technology Bio-agents and Bio-fertilizer
2. Seed Production and Technology
3. Mushroom Cultivation Technology
4. Soil, Plant, Water and Seed Testing
5. Poultry Production Technology
6. Hybrid Seed Production Technologies
7. Floriculture and Landscaping
8. Food Processing
9. Commercial Horticulture
10. Agriculture Waste Management
11. Organic Production Technology
12. Commercial Sericulture

Prof (Dr) Aftabuz Zaman

Director, School of Agricultural Sciences

Contact detail: 9433208363, 8777805134


The School of Agricultural Sciences is the new initiative of Techno-India Group of Institutions where it is proposed to introduce B Sc (Ag) Hons Course as per rules and regulations of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the system of agricultural education wherein teaching, research and extension programme are proposed to be included in conformity with maintaining standard and quality at par in other institutions imparting the degree in agriculture and allied sciences;

Importance of Agriculture Education System

India, accounting for 17% of world's population and over 30% of world’s smallholder farmers, and hardly 2.5% of the world's land and 4% of world’s water resources, greatly impacts and gets impacted by the state of global food, agriculture and natural resource system. Hence, India Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), apex body of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India come forward to design the course-curriculum in imparting agricultural education, conducting agricultural research and transferring proven technologies (extension) to the farmers to boost up agricultural productivity maintaining uniformity throughout the country. The major global initiatives and foresight must be kept in mind while developing leadership in agricultural sciences to ensure global competitiveness, equitable knowledge sharing, and environmental sustainability. The new curricula, courses and contents have been designed as recommended by the 5th Dean’s Committee constituted to let the students aware of the new global initiatives, such as Global Green Economy; Knowledge Economy; Global Zero Hunger Challenge; UN International Year and International Agriculture and Development Challenge, 2050.

Over the years, the visibility of basic sciences in agricultural curricula has decreased; On the other hand, globally greater emphasis is being placed on life sciences - biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, bio-remediation, bioenergy, biosecurity and computational biology. Agriculture graduates and scientists should increasingly seek employment and research opportunities in these frontier areas. Rural Appraisal Work Education (RAWE) and Hands on Training will remain extremely important in this context, the science-based hands on learning experience be duly promoted.


CoursesYearsSemesterEligibility CriteriaMarks Required
B.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture)48Passed 10+2 with Biology/Mathametic, Physics & Chemistry60%
M.Sc. Agriculture Science244 years B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture Science50%
Prof. (Dr.) Aftabuz Zaman

Dean - School of Agricultural Sciences



PROF (DR) A ZAMAN is an internationally renowned scientist specialization with agricultural water management having spectacular career of 39 years. His lifetime and original research contribution in the field of irrigation water management, rainfed agriculture, cropping system, watershed management, dry land agriculture and bio-diversity conservation, to name a few, globally appreciated leading to outstanding teachers in farm universities in India and abroad. A large number original concepts, strategies, techniques a tools those developed which have contributed enormously to agricultural science and benefitted the global society. He served as Irrigation Agronomist and formerly Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Director of Research, Head, Department of Agronomy in Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya [SAU], West Bengal, India. He is a former Chief Scientist in AICRP on Water Management (ICAR) and former Associate Director of Research, Regional Research Station, Old Alluvial Zone (Presently UBKV, Pundibari).

Research Areas: Water Resource and Irrigation Management

         Projects Completed: Project funded by Government of India, ICAR,

Ministry of Water Resources completed

        Projects ongoing: IFFCO and NABARD

         PG Scholars: 50

         PhD Scholars: 8

Dr. Biswapati Sinha

Teacher in Charge (Administration) & Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph. D. in Agronomy


Research Expertise:

  • Research expertise on Establishment & build up of conservation agriculture management practices, farmer-crop-environment relations, especially Conservatin Agriculture i.e. resource conservation techniques including use of leaf colour chart, surface residue, weed management practices and Natural Resource Management.
  • Provided knowledge to the farmer about weather forecasting and climate change and learning in constraint of environments.
  • Socio-economic environmental inequality of the poor farmer.


Dr. Arindam Ghosh

Teacher in Charge (Academic) & Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Graduation in 2014, M.Sc in 2016, PhD in Agricultural Extension in 2020 from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya.


He has graduated from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia in the year 2014 and completed his M.Sc. (Ag.) and Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension with research experiences on “People’s perception on Waste Management and Its scope for usage in Agriculture” and “Social ecology of waste recycling: The approach, process and impact” in 2016 & 2021 respectively. He has 19 research papers published in peer-review journals with national and international reputes along with 2 books and 10 popular articles. He attended more than 8 international and national conferences and seminars, trainings in his subject area. He got University Merit Scholarship, University Research Scholarship and Young Researcher Award 2021 by Institute of Scholars and recognized as Reviewer of the Journal “International Journal of Management and Social Studies”. He was associated with DAESI programme as a course facilitator at Ashoke Nagar Krishi Vigyan Kendra, North 24 parganas and was Livelihood Expert of CFP project at PRADAN and also have more than one year of Teaching experience at SNU. He has associated with different International Journals as a Reviewer.


Teacher in Charge (Examination) & Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Sc. (Ag) Hons in 2013; M.Sc. (Ag) & Ph D in Genetics and Plant Breeding in 2015 & 2021 respectively


Gold medalist during M.Sc. INSPIRE fellow during Ph. D.

Research experiences

“Identification of superior alleles for two phosphate deficient tolerance genes in rice” in M.Sc.

“Identification of new alleles and markers for the genes influencing major yield attributing parameters in rice” in Ph.D.

JRF on “Development of abiotic stress tolerant rice for West Bengal condition with special emphasis on drought and P deficiency” at (2015-2016), funded by BRNS-BARC.

Research Papers

Das, D., Sen, P., Purkayastha, S., Saha, A. K., Roy, A., Rai, P., Sen, S., Saha, S., Senapati, B. K., Biswas, T., & Bhattacharyya, S. (2021). A perfect PCR based co-dominant marker for low grain-arsenic accumulation genotyping in rice. Ecotoxicology and environmental safety, 212, 111960. (First two authors share equal contributions, Impact Factor: 6.2, NAAS: 10.87).

Sen, P., Purkayastha, S., Das, D., Goswami, J., Sen, S., Rai, P., Biswas, T., & Bhattacharyya, S. (2021). Yield-enhancing SPIKE allele from the aus-subtype indica rice and its allele specific codominant marker. Journal of Genetics, 100, 36. (Impact Factor: 1.16, NAAS: 6.99).

Chatterjee, A., Chattopadhyay, T., Maji, A., Sen, P., & Ali, M. N. (2020). A review on conventional and molecular breeding approaches for exploring mechanisms underlying heat stress tolerance in wheat. Journal of Crop and Weed, 16(2), 24-35. (NAAS: 5.28)


Teacher in Charge (Training and Placement) & Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph.D. in Soil Science from B.C.K.V


Priyanka Ghatak, completed her doctoral research (Ph.D.) from Bidhan Chandra Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (BCKV) on the topic “Impact of Long-term fertilization on soil physical properties” with University Research Scholarship (URS). She did her masters M.Sc (Ag) from BCKV in 2017 on the topic “Studies on Drip Irrigation and Nitrogen Management in Sweet Corn”. She has qualified ASRB-ICAR(NET) in 2017. She has completed B.Sc (Ag) from Uttar Banga Krishi Vishwavidyalaya (UBKV) in 2015.                            She bagged the best poster award on 7th annual convention of SFE on “Agrochemicals for upkeeping environment “organized by B.C.K.V. on 27th Aug, 2020. She is a member of “Indian Society of Soil Science (ISSS). She has more than 3.5 years of teaching experience including at the Centurion University of Technology & Management, Odisha and Seacom Skills University, Birbhum. She has more than 10 research papers, short articles published in national and internationally peer reviewed reputed journals; more than 2 book chapters and patent publication.

Skills and expertise: Soil Science, Soil Physics, Nutrient Analysis, Composting

Dr. Sanchari Roy

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Sc. (Ag) Hons. from BCKV in2011, M.Sc (Ag) from BCKV 2013, phD in Plant Pathology from BCKV 2017, NET qualified in the year 2017


Research Achievements

Two years of laboratory and field work on a project entitled with “Morphology and Biochemical Variation of Some Alternaria species Infected on Different Vegetable Crops” during M.Sc.

Three years of research work including field & laboratory work on a project entitled with “Characterization of Different Foliage Infecting Fungal Pathogens of Cowpea under West Bengal condition” during Ph.D.

Research publications

I) First Report of Corynespora cassicola (Berk & M.A. Curtis) C.T. Wei) causing

leaf Spot on Cowpea (Vigna ungiculata.L). Sanchari Roy, Vikas Kumar Ravat

and Amitava Basu. J Mycol Plant Pathol. 45(3): 314.

II) Cultural, morphological and biochemical variations of Alternaria sp causing

diseases on different vegetables. Sanchari Roy and Srikanta Das. J. Mycopathol

Res. 54(1): 29-34.

III) Rice: A new host of Choanephora cucurbitarum in West Bengal Vikas K. Ravat,

Sanchari Roy and Amitava Basu. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 23(1): 158-199.

IV) Roy, S., Chakraborty, S. and Basu, A. 2017. In vitro Evaluation for Antagonistic

Potential of Some Bio Control Isolates against Important Foliar Fungal

Pathogens of Cowpea. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 6(9): 2998-3011.

V) Seasonal incidence of foliar diseases of cowpea and their eco-friendly

management through shifting of planting time. Sanchari Roy and Amitava

Basu. ISSN:2338-1345- 9(1): 45-57. Available in online


Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Sc. in Horticulture, 2012and and in Pomology and Postharvest Technology, 2014 from UBKV, Ph.D in Fruits and Orchard Management, 2018 form BCKV.


  • I have done Research on “Postharvest Treatments on Storage Life of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Himalayan Terai Region of West Bengal” for dissertation of M.Sc. (Hort.) in Pomology and Post-harvest Technology. (2012-2014).
  • I have done Research on “Characterization and Evaluation of hybrids and polyembryonic varieties of Mango under West BengalCondition” for thesis of Ph.D in Fruits and orchard management. (2014-2017).
  • I Worked in National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) project. (2018-2019).
  • I have Given the farmers training in NSDC project. (2018).
  • I Worked in APSSDC project on medicinal and aromatic plants for 10th and 12th class students. (2018).
  • I was Co-guide of M.Sc horticulture Students for the guidance regarding M.Sc thesis. (2018-2019).
  • I have 1 year 10 months Teaching experience in Centurion University of Technology & Management, Odisha. (2017-2019).
  • I have 1year 11 months Teaching experience in School of Agriculture and Allied science, The Neotia University, West Bengal. (2019-2021).



Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Graduation from VBU in 2012 and M.Sc. (Ag.) in Agricultural Economics from BCKV in 2014 and Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from BCKV in 2019.


Research on “An Economic Study of Growing Rapeseed and Mustard in Burdwan District of West Bengal” for dissertation of M.Sc. (Agriculture) in Agricultural Economics. (2012-2014).

Research on “Socio-Economic Study of Household Livelihood Security in Unorganised Sectors of Bankura District of West Bengal” for thesis of Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics. (2014-2019).

Research is focused on evaluating household livelihood with respect to economic, food, habitat, health, education, social and environmental securities of workers of unorganised sectors such as cultivation of agriculture, agri-business, fish-breeding, handloom and terracotta enterprise, calculation of consumer unit, calorie, protein, fat intake on the basis of nutrition chart based on Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and cost of cultivation of different crops.

Published book “Study of Rapeseed-Mustard in Burdwan District of West Bengal, India” from Lambert Publishing Academy (LAP).

Published 7 research papers in different reputed National and International journals and 12 popular articles.

Presented 6 abstracts in several National and International Conferences, Seminar and Symposium.

Enjoying University Research Scholarship during Ph.D. in B.CK.V, from 2014 to

2017. Enjoying Second position in presentation of Scientific article in the

International Seminar, ACRIL organized by CWSS, BCKV.


Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph. D. in Agricultural Biotechnology (BCKV)


Research experience:

• Evaluation of growth performance of Trichoderma viride on different culture media and its population count from carrier based culture and subsequently its packaging for distribution (under learning through organizational attachment programme during M.Sc.).

• Mites and insects on medicinal plants, assessment of biopesticides and effect of mite feeding on active ingredients (dissertation for M.Sc. in Agricultural Biotechnology; 2013-2015).

• Accelerated microcloning and in vitro elicitation of pharmacologically active ingredients in Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk” (Ph.D. in Agricultural Biotechnology; 2015-2020).


Commercial experience:

• Research Officer at Debgiri Agro Products Pvt. Ltd., managing the tissue culture plant’s mass production, seed production, pure line selection, and seed quality assessment (2019-2021).


Publications (Research and review articles- 13, Book chapters- 4):

Best three are as follows-

• Salma U, Kundu S, Ali MN, Mandal N (2018) Elicitor mediated enhancement of wedelolactone in cell suspension culture of Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 134:409–421 (Impact factor: 2.711; NAAS: 8.20).

• Salma U, Kundu S, Hazra AK, Ali MN, Mandal N (2018) Augmentation of wedelolactone through in vitro tetraploid induction in Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 133:289–298 (Impact factor: 2.711; NAAS: 8.20).

• Kundu S, Salma U, Ali MN, Hazra AK, Mandal N (2018) Development of transgenic hairy roots and augmentation of secondary metabolites by precursor feeding in Sphagneticola calendulacea (L.) Pruski. Industrial Crops & Products 121:206–215 (Impact factor: 5.645; NAAS: 10.24).


Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph.D. in Agronomy from B.C.K.V


Dr. Ananya Ghosh obtained the degree of B.Sc. (Ag.) Hons. in 2014; M.Sc. (Ag.) in 2016 & Ph.D. in Agronomy in 2021 with research title on “Studies on growth and productivity of Rice hybrids under SRI and conventional transplanting” and “Effect of Zinc and Iron on growth, productivity and grain quality of Relay Grass Pea (Lathyrus sativus) in New Alluvial zone of West Bengal”, respectively. Published 12 research papers, in peer-review journals of national and international reputes along with 2 book chapters and 15 Popular Articles. Qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET), ICAR in Agronomy in 2022. Worked as a Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in IFAD-ICARDA project entitled “Enhancing food and nutritional security and improved livelihood through intensification of Rice fallow system with pulse crop in South-Asia (Bangladesh, India and Nepal)”. Attended more than 10 international and national conferences and seminars in the subject area. Received “Young Scientist Award” in “International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine” in 2022.

Dr. Aniket Baishya

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Tech (2013) from B.C.K.V. and M.Tech (2018) from I.I.T. Kharagpur. Submitted PhD thesis in 2022.


Dr. Aniket Baishya, qualified both GATE (2016) and NET (2019), has received his B.Tech degree (2013) in Agricultural Engineering from B.C.K.V. and M.Tech (2018) in Land and Water Resources Engineering from I.I.T. Kharagpur. Having more than three years experience of working as a Senior Research Fellow in Centre of Advanced Agricultural Sciences and Technology (CAAST) on Conservation Agriculture (CA) (funded by ICAR-NAHEP and World Bank). PhD thesis focused on improving water use efficiency through
micro-irrigation in different crops, tomato and cabbage in particular, under different conservation agriculture regimes. Having area of expertise includes irrigation, crop modelling, conservation agriculture, agricultural water management, remote sensing and GIS. Submitted PhD thesis in 2022 and awaiting for the award with the doctoral degree.

Published Research Papers: 4; Book Chapter: 1; Attended International and national conference: 3 and Workshop: 4


Dr. Augustina Saha

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

Ph. D (Agronomy)


Dr. Augustina Saha, Ph. D (Agronomy), 2017, NET qualified (2017 & 2021) has worked on research titles “Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Buckwheat (Fagopyrum Spp.) Varieties and its Residual Effect on Mung Bean (Vigna Radiata L.) Under Terai Region of West Bengal” and "Land Configuration and Nutrient Management for Increased Productivity of Organic Guar Gum in Rainfed Condition". She has an experience of more than four years of working as a Senior Research Fellow under the project “National Innovations for Climate Resilient Agriculture” under Cooch Behar Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Senior Technical Officer (Weed Science) at Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Regional Plant Quarantine Station, Kolkata. Dr. Saha has published a number of research papers in peer-reviewed national and international Journals and Conferences. She also had an experience of working as a Resource Person (Lecturer) on Diploma course in Agricultural Extension Services for Input Dealers (DAESI), Cooch Behar Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Pundibari, Funded by SAMETI, Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission. She has achieved the best oral presentation award at the National Conference on “Bioresources Management for Sustenance of Ecosystem and Livelihood” organised by Coochbehar Association for Cultivation of Agricultural Sciences, Uttar Banga Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Pundibari, 2015.

Dr. Shalini Sinha

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Sc (Ag) Hons in 2013; M.Sc (Ag) & Ph.D in Agricultural Economics 2015 & 2019


I aspire to work ingeniously for the enhancement and betterment of education. I am looking forward to utilizing my skills and abilities in the field of teaching and research that will enhance the knowledge of the students as well as It will offer me professional growth while being resourceful and innovative.

I have worked as an Assistant Professor in College of Agriculture, Lovely Professional University, Jalandhar, Punjab from 10.07.2019 to 19.11.2019.

I have also served as a Guest Faculty in renowned universities like Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (Extended campus), Burdwan Sadar, Burdwan,Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology, Meerut, U.P. and Brainware University, Barasat, Kolkata.

I was a Recipient of University Research Scholarship (URS) at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal for Ph.D. degree.

Research Experiences

“Socio–Economic Analysis of Impact of Organized Retailing on the Unorganized Sector in West-Bengal”- M.Sc

“Impact of Modern Organized Retailing on Livelihood of Stakeholders of Traditional Retailing – An Economic Study in Kolkata”- Ph.D.

Research Papers

Published 8 research papers, several popular articles in reputed peer reviewed national and international journals, 2 book chapters and a book by published international book publishers.

Dr. Jayita Hore

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences



I aspire to work ingeniously for the enhancement and betterment of education. I seek to utilize my skills and abilities in the teaching and research field that will enhance the knowledge of the students. As well as it will offer me professional growth while being resourceful and innovative. And be a contributor among my peers and to society at large. I was a Recipient of University Research Scholarship (URS) in the department of Agricultural Entomology at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, West Bengal for Ph.D. degree. I have worked as an Assistant Professor in School of Agriculture in Swami Vivekananda University. My Ph.D. research work was on “Biodiversity study of insect fauna associated with banana and development of biointensive module for management of pseudostem weevil, Odoiporus longicollis.”

Research Papers: Published 7 research papers, several popular articles in reputed journals and magazines respectively, 2 book chapters and a book by published renowned publishers.

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SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseCurriculum Structure & Syllabus
School of Agricultural SciencesB.Sc. (Hons.) (Agriculture)Click To View
School of Agricultural SciencesM.Sc. Agriculture ScienceClick To View
SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseTime Table
SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseOBE Framework

R & D in Agriculture (Projects)
National Agricultural Research & Education System (NARES) is one of the largest national networks of Agricultural Education System in the world, comprising 75 agricultural universities. ICAR works in a partnership mode with state agricultural university (SAUs) and has significantly contributed in developing first rate human resource by way of coordinating, supporting and guiding various aspects of higher agricultural education. It provides funds for development and strengthening facilities in vital areas, training to faculty and scholarships/ fellowships to the students and grants accreditation to agricultural universities for ensuring quality assurance. The Indian agriculture has undergone transformation from traditional cultivation methods to hi- tech agriculture requiring manpower equipped with latest knowledge and technologies for continued growth and sustainability. Success of an educational institute is rated not only based on development of technologies but also on demand and marketability of its product, i.e. quality of students and their placement in market. Agricultural education must ensure employment of these ‘products’ to make it more relevant to the society and the nation. In spite of great demand and opportunities for agricultural graduates in banking and insurance sectors, retailing industry, multi-national companies, government departments and non-governmental organizations, the agricultural graduates are unable to decide their career options even after four years of university education. Unlike medical and engineering disciplines, for which there is great awareness amongst the parents and students, the agricultural education has not received much attention due to lack of matching publicity and visibility. This paper would serve as a useful source of information and guiding tool for the students seeking admission to various undergraduate programmes in agriculture and allied sciences in Agricultural Universities under the Indian Council of Agricultural Research vis-à-vis Agricultural University system. Apart from students and parents, educational institutions too might find the information useful to guide the 10+2 pass-outs to choose agriculture as one of the career options. Agricultural research and development (R&D) has reduced poverty by making food more abundant and cheaper. It may also have affected the variability of agricultural production, prices, and incomes though food price variability is less important to richer people.
Currently, agriculture is divided into two different types, including industrialized agriculture and subsistence agriculture.

Subsistence farming is of three types

  • 1. Intensive subsistence farming
  • 2. Primitive subsistence farming
  • 3. Shifting cultivation


Agricultural R&D is a crucial determinant of agricultural productivity and production and therefore food prices and poverty. In this article, the authors present new evidence on investments in public agricultural R&D worldwide as an indicator of the prospects for agricultural productivity growth over the coming decades. The agricultural R&D world is changing, and in ways that will definitely affect future global patterns of poverty, hunger, and other outcomes. The overall picture is one in which the middle-income countries are growing in relative importance as producers of agricultural innovations through public investments in R&D and have consequently better prospects as producers of agricultural products, although the important role of privately performed R&D gives a substantial innovative edge to the higher income countries where most of this R&D takes place. The economic impact of this research has been much studied, and the overwhelming conclusion drawn from this evidence is that the returns to agricultural R&D have been large. However, some have questioned the evidence, and there are reasons to be skeptical about some aspects of it. The reinvestment rate assumptions implicit in the calculations used to derive internal rates of return (IRRs) that is the statistic of choice used to summarize the returns associated with a given cost of research – are part of the estimation problem, which can be addressed by using a MIRR to summarize the same research benefit–cost streams. The recalibrated MIRR estimates of the rates of return to public agricultural R&D are more modest but still substantial compared with the opportunity cost of the funds used to finance the research. This still suggests that society has persistently underinvested in public agricultural R&D, notwithstanding the distorted view of the evidence created by reliance on the IRR to represent the returns to this investment that has characterized the literature for the past 50 years. If this underinvestment continues and the supply of important agricultural staples fails to keep pace with the growth in aggregate demand, increasing food prices will further stress the world’s most vulnerable;


  • 1. Prioritize investment in agricultural research and development to make a wider variety of healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, pulses, seeds, nuts, and animal products available to consumers at lower costs.
  • 2. Nurture the bio-cultural heritage and traditional knowledge that underpin much of the world's remaining agricultural biodiversity, including protecting the rights of women.
  • 3. Adapt agricultural policies to encourage diversity, nutrition, sustainability, and affordability, rather than focusing on high yields and income thereby prioritizing a small number of staple crops.
  • 4. Encourage and implement technologies to increase the nutrient density of commercial and staple crops through agronomic practices, conventional plant breeding, or modern biotechnology.
  • 5. Invest in research to better understand the potential contribution and current constraints of urban and rural agriculture.
  • 6. Empower women, improve their livelihoods, and increase their access to time-saving assets in technology and capital in order to reduce women's work and time burdens in agriculture.
  • 7. Advocate diversity of cropping systems, crop varieties, and animal breeds as a strategy to increase dietary diversity and to enable farmers to cope with the challenges of climate change, scarce natural resources, and harsh landscapes. Home gardens, intercropping, mixed animal production systems, insect farming, and aquaculture are all viable solutions.


 Research: It is under processing and execution


Thematic Areas: Water Resource Development; Medicinal Plants; Irrigation and Fertilizer Management

Facilities: In the field proposed in Bhagnar Block II, 24 Parganas (N), West Bengal

Sponsored Projects: completed and on-going: Not at present; in process;

List of some important publication (2016-2020)

1. Zaman, A., Zaman, P., Hedayetullah, M. and Talukder M L. 2016. Management of acid soils for sustainable crop production in eastern India; Journal of Crop Science & Technology, 4(1): 22-32;

2. Sarkar, S., Sarkar, A. and Zaman, A. 2016. Yield, water use and economics of chickpea (Cicerarientum) as influenced by different levels of irrigation and mulches; Indian Journal of Agronomy, 61(4): 479-483;

3. M. Ray, Roy, D C. and Zaman, A. 2016. Evaluation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) based cropping systems for increasing productivity, resource use efficiency and energy productivity in Coastal West Bengal. Indian Journal of Agronomy;61(2): 131-137;

4. Zaman, A., ManikLal, P. Zaman and Md. Hedayetullah. 2016. Adoption of Improved water Management Technologies for sustaining agricultural productivity. International Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 1(1) 34-39;

5. Zaman, A., Zaman, P., Hedayetullah, M. and Talukder M L. 2016. Effective utilization of lowland ecosystem for water and crop productivity; Journal of Ecology, 5(1); 1-4;

6. Maitra, S and Zaman, A., 2017. Organic farming in India: status, scope and potential, 2017: 1-10;

7. Sarkar, S., Sarkar, A. and Zaman, A. 2017. Effect of irrigation and phosphorous levels on braod beans (Viciafaba L.) for improving growth, yield and water extraction pattern, Legume Research: An International Journal. 40(2): 257-263;

8. Sarkar, S., Sarkar, A. and Zaman, A. 2017. Effect of irrigation and phosphorous fertilization on growth, yield and nodulation of broad beans (Viciafaba L.); Indian Journal of Agricultural Research 51(1): 69-73;

9. Maitra, S and Zaman, A. 2017. Brown manuring - an effective technique for yield sustainability of cereals crops. International Journal of Bio-resources Science 4(1): 1-5;

10. Zaman, A., Zaman, P., Hedayetullah, M. and Talukder M L. 2016. Water resource development and management for agricultural sustainability in eastern India; Global Journal of Biological Research, 1(1): 33-36;

11. Zaman, A. and Maitra, S., 2017. Organic Agriculture: Prospects, Problems and Constraints, 2017: 1-13

12. Zaman, A., Zaman, P. and Maitra, S. 2017. Water resource development and management for agricultural sustainability; Journal of Applied and Advance Research, 2(2):73-77;

13. Zaman, A. 2017. Water Management under rainfed ecology: Rainwater harvesting technologies for crop and water productivity;http://agroinformatics2017/ water management-zaman.html. 22: 1-6;

14. Patra, S. and Zaman, A. 2017. Tapping the unrealized potential of residual soil moisture through mustard and rapeseed paira cropping in lowland rice ecosystem, Success stories of Water Management Project, Gayeshpur Centre (Series-1, Published by the ICAR in its Website: pp 114-117;


Links with Websites










10. %E9%A6%AE-272682b0








18. http://

19. http://www.

Books by aftabuz zaman, aftabuz zaman Books Online India ...



22. Aftabuz Zaman - Google+










32. http;//









Books published

1. Zaman, A and Devi, W. P. 2012. Processing quality of potato (Effect of nutrient on potato quality): Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. pp 1-140; ISBN 978-3-659-14585-8;

2. Zaman, A. and Patra, S. K. 2010, Sustainable Food Security. Chapter: Farmers participatory water management technologies for food security; pp 25-31; Mittal Publications, New Delhi; ISBN No. 81-8324-356-8

3. Zaman, A. and Patra, S. K. 2010. Water Productivity in Agriculture. BCKV pp 1-74;

4. Zaman, A. 2009. Krishitejalerutpadashilotabriddhi; JalSampaderjathajothobyabohar; Training Manual; BCKV

5. Zaman A and IndudharRedddyKareddy, : 2016 Aerobic Rice, Lambert, Germany

6. Zaman, A and Ganga Rani: 2016. Direct Seeded Rice, Lambert Publications, Germany

7. Zaman A and S Maitra. 2019. Cutting edge Technology in Agricultural Sustainability; New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi; 436 pages (Edited);

8. Zaman A and S Maitra. 2019. Palm View Publication, New Delhi;

9. Zaman, A. and Md. Hedayetullah. 2019. Farming System and Sustaiable Agriculture; Agrotech Publishing Academy; Udaipur;

10. Zaman A. 2019. Integrated Farming System and Agricultural Sustainability; 336 pages; New India Publishing Agencies; New Delhi

11. Zaman, A. 2019. Agricultural Sustainability; Kalyani Publishers: 283 pages https://www.kalyanipulishers,


Publications: Yes

Patents: No

School of Agricultural Sciences

Agriculture is an academic discipline of science that involves the study of various scientific, technical and business subjects related to agriculture, horticulture, farm management, poultry farming, dairy farming, agricultural biotechnology, etc. The scope of a career in Agriculture has grown tremendously in recent times with cutting-edge research and continuous innovation in the industry.

With a bachelor’s or master’s degree in agriculture, students can secure high-paid jobs in both government and private sectors. They can be appointed as agricultural research scientists, agriculture officers, production managers, farm managers, and so on. Interested students can also opt for jobs in the fields of teaching, banking, and insurance.

Important FAQs regarding Agriculture Course in SNU

Q: Can I pursue an agriculture course in distance education mode?

A: No, agricultural programmes can not be pursued as distance education courses.

Q: Which are the popular Agriculture branches?

A: Some of the popular Agriculture branches in which courses are offered to students include Crop Production, Agricultural Engineering, Agronomy, Horticulture, Forestry, Dairy Technology and Fisheries Science.

Q: What is the starting salary of a graduate in Agriculture?

A: The starting salary of a graduate in Agriculture course ranges between Rs 10,000 and Rs 25,000.

Q: Which are the popular job profiles in Agriculture?

A: Some of the popular Agriculture job profiles include Agriculture Officer, Agricultural Scientist, Farm Manager, Production Manager, Agronomist, Agricultural Engineer, Forester and Soil – Water Engineer.

Eligibility Criteria for B. Sc Agriculture 

Admission for the B. Sc Agriculture in India course requires the student to have completed 10+2 with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks from a recognized board with subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Also, the aspirant must have completed English as a required language. To apply for this course, applicants must be at least 18 years old. 

How to Get Admission for B. Sc Agriculture? 

The B. Sc Agriculture admission process involves a set of steps. Getting admission for B. Sc Agriculture requires an aspirant to go through a fixed procedure, including group discussion, written entrance exams, etc. The admission process differs from college to college, but the general guideline is given below:

Apply for the Course

The first step in this process is filling up the entrance exam's admission form online or offline by attaching all the documents, including the aadhaar card, voter ID card, 10th, and 12th mark sheet.

Selection Process 

The cut-off marks will be announced after the results are published. Then, the aspirants who have cleared the cut-off will attend the online counseling. Applicants must have choices for the course to which they choose to apply during online counseling. Then the admission authority will decide as an aspirant is eligible for admission based on their marks. All who are selected will be sent an allotment letter. The aspirant must turn up. Following this, those who are eligible are granted the final offer letter.

Popular Entrance Exams for B. Sc Agriculture

Numerous entrance exams are conducted to test eligibility for B. Sc Agriculture. Students must have completed class 12 to be eligible to take the B. Sc Agriculture entrance exams. Some popular domestic exams for admission in Indian colleges are given below:


  2. Respective university


A Quick Glance at the B. Sc Agriculture Entrance Exams 

  1. The B. Sc Agriculture eligibility for the entrance exam is different for different colleges/universities. Listed below is the general pattern for these exams. ICAR (National Testing Agency) is conducting AIEEE exam every year for allotment of limited students in ICAR’s affiliated institutions.

  2. Exams may be conducted both online and offline.

  3. It has both objective and subjective questions.

  4. Some exams will be based on physics, chemistry, mathematics, while other exams will be based on numerical aptitude, logical reasoning, verbal ability, reading comprehension, etc. The college decides the syllabus.

  5. The time limit is usually 40-60 min.

Why Choose B. Sc Agriculture?

Why choose B. Sc Agriculture, many people wonder? It's strange that, while being a primary source of income for most Indians, it's the last option amongst the students when deciding on a career path.

The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture is a broad-based curriculum with a lot of promise. It covers food production, horticulture, animal husbandry, rural economy and development, environmental health and others. Agriculture will never be laid off because "food" is a fundamental need for human including bovine. In reality, developments in technology, science, and invention have vastly extended only in the field of agriculture.

What is B. Sc Agriculture degree about?

B. Sc Agriculture is a fascinating course. People usually get confused about what this course is all about. Listed below is a summary of what B. Sc Agriculture is all about:

  1. Learning Agriculture Techniques

Graduates collaborate with farmers and agriculture-related businesses. Their primary responsibility is to assist them in increasing agricultural production. 

  1. Learning about new Technology

This course also makes an aspirant aware of the latest technologies and innovations developed to help in agriculture.

3.What Does a B. Sc Agriculture Professional Do?

As the scope of agriculture is vast, there are many different roles that a B.Sc agriculture aspirant can play. Listed below are some of them:

  1. Managing Agro Firms

  2. B. Sc Agriculture graduates are in charge of harvesting and other activities related to planting crops or vegetables productively and profitably.

     Doing Research

  1. B. Sc Agriculture graduates begin their careers by conducting research. They are mainly concerned with the biochemical processes of different things and their relationships with goods and processes, and they include both lab and fieldwork.

Reasons Why B. Sc Agriculture Can Fetch You a Rewarding Career

Agriculture is transforming into a more modern, research, and technical industry. In the food production and management processes, transforming farm structures, changing demographics in the food production sector, emerging biotechnology techniques, and resource management strategies all play a significant role. Agriculture specialization opens up a world of opportunities for students who want to pursue education in this area.

Preparation Tips for B. Sc Agriculture 

B. Sc Agriculture courses can enrich students interested in science, research, and development. Listed below are some preparation tips for B. Sc Agriculture:

Syllabus: Focus on the syllabus, identify weak points, and work on them. The syllabus as per ICAR’s requirement for this course is extensive and will require a thorough understanding of it.

Exam Pattern: Understand the exam pattern and practice accordingly. List the strong and weak points and make a study schedule according to that.

Connect with Students: Contact students who are already doing this course and take help. They can guide how to crack the entrance exams and keep in mind while pursuing the course.

Scope for Higher Education in B. Sc Agriculture

Students who choose B. Sc Agriculture have massive scope for higher education. Following undergraduate studies, one may pursue various MSc Agriculture or pursue various MBA programs related to agriculture.

An aspirant can pursue a PhD or take the ARS (Agriculture Research Service) examination after graduation. If an aspirant wants to pursue a career in management, An aspirant can enroll in MBA/PGDM agribusiness programs at IIM A, IIM L, Symbiosis, BHU, and NIAEM.

Master's degree holders can apply for JRF scholarships (ICAR JRF is also an option) or Assistant Professorships by taking the UGC National Eligibility Test (NET). Listed below are some other courses for higher studies:

  1. Master's in Genetics

  2. Master's in Plant Pathology

  3. Master's in Horticulture

  4. Master's in Plant Entomology

  5. Master's in Agricultural Economics

  6. Master's in Soil Science

  7. Master's in Agro-meteorology

  8. MBA in Agribusiness

Salary of a B. Sc Agriculture Graduate

The average starting salary of a BSc Agriculture graduate is around INR 6 LPA. This is just the starting salary as the scope for improvement in terms of the pay scale is very high in this field. Many other factors like graduation from college, geographic location, academic performance, etc., determine an aspirant's salary.

Career Options after B. Sc Agriculture 

Over the last few years, there has been an increase in the demand for skilled professionals in agriculture. Because of advancements in technology, there is a modernized revolution in agriculture and such specialists and knowledgeable professionals. They can work in research and development and administration to ensure that crop growth is enhanced. At the same time, input costs are minimized.

Students with a B.Sc Agriculture degree should apply for a variety of positions. To get a government job, students must pass a series of competitive exams. Students should get a job in the private sector based on their qualifications and a personal interview. Listed below are some of the career options in this field:

  1. Farm Manager

  2. Horticulture/ Landscaping Manager

  3. Researcher

  4. Plant Breeder

  5. Crop Trial Officer

  6. Food Quality Manager

  7. Project Manager


Skills That Make You the Best B.Sc Agriculture Professional

Agriculture is a field that requires an individual who has a lot of patience and pays attention to small details and has excellent observational skills. Only those aspirants should pursue this field who have a genuine passion for agriculture as this field is very demanding, and only the best will survive. Listed below are some skills required for B. Sc Agriculture Hons Course;

  1. Forward Planning

  2. Initiative

  3. Flexibility

  4. Good communication

  5. Analytical skills

  6. Commercial awareness

  7. IT skills

  8. Marketing & Sales Skills

Important to note

Typically offered as a Bachelor of Science (B Sc Agriculture), agriculture courses are highly interdisciplinary, requiring students to have a good grasp of both natural sciences and social sciences, and drawing on areas such as biologyenvironmental scienceschemistryeconomics and business and management. You will first build a strong scientific foundation in agriculture by studying biology, natural environments, agricultural production and agricultural science. As the course continues, you’ll usually be able to personalize your degree with optional modules to reflect your interests.

  1. The range and combination of topics taught will vary depending on the institution. Some agriculture courses focus on preparing students for work at an international level like covering topics such as bio-based economies, sustainability on a global scale, and global food systems.

  2. Others will have focus on agriculture within a specific country or region, or on a particular aspect of agriculture such as crop farming, marketing of farm products, animal care, sustainable practices, or large property management. Overall, you’ll gain a wide range of technical skills and knowledge, as well as an understanding of the scientific, moral and commercial principles behind the agricultural industry.

  3. There is also some variation in the degree of hands-on training required of students. Most agriculture courses will include at least one required or optional work placement of up to a year, and some universities even have their own farms as per prescribed manners of ICAR, New Delhi;

  4. If your work placement is optional, it’s a good idea to opt in. This is a great chance to put what you’ve learned into practice, get a better idea of the type of agriculture career you’d like to pursue, and gain valuable experience to improve your employability when applying for agriculture jobs.

  5. While many agriculture graduates go on to roles where mud and manure are not regular elements (including positions in management, research and consultancy), any student considering this subject should definitely be comfortable with spending time outdoors and in close contact with the natural world!

You can find answers to FAQs about the admission process in SNU

01: Are admissions open at Sister Nivedita University for 2021-22?

Ans: Yes

02: What steps Sister Nivedita University has taken to support new students in taking admission?

Ans: Students can apply through website.

03: Since there is complete lockdown in the country, how can I complete the admission process?

Anse: Online mode

04: What are the various courses/programmes offered at SNU?

Ans: See the University Website.

05: What are the important dates regarding the admissions?

Ans: Please ask University contact number.

07: What is a minimum fee payment to reserve a seat?

Ans: 76000/-

09: How I am going to pay during the lockdown?

Ans: Online mode of payment

10: How can I apply for a hostel?

Ans: Online mode 

11: Is mess and laundry facility compulsory to take with residential facility?

Ans: No

12: What are dates for the SNUEST test?

Ans: Every week

13: What are the documents required for taking online admission?

Ans: Online registration

14: Is it compulsory to fill all details of the online application or admission form?

Ans: yes

15: How can I ascertain that my admission is confirmed?

16: What are the various scholarships offered by SNU?

17: When are the classes expected to commence?

18: When can I visit the campus?

19: How can I get regular updates about the university?

20: What if I don’t meet the eligibility conditions specified by the university? What will happen to my candidature?

21: If I made mistakes in my application. How will I be able to correct them?

22: What are the eligibility requirements for admission? Is SNUEST a mandatory requirement for admission?

23: I am expecting to get around 60% marks. Will I get any scholarship?

             24: What if I decide to withdraw admission later?

             25: Where I can read more about the course curriculum?

             26: How to contact the university's representative for more information?

 FAQs for SNU Hostels: 

Q-1. Do SNU have hostel facility for students?

Ans.– Yes.

Q-2. How many hostels do SNU have?

Ans.– The Institution has two  Boys’ Hostels and five Girls’ Hostels.

Q-3. What is the capacity of your hostels for boys and girls?

Ans.– The capacity for girls is 220 and the same for boys is 100.

Q-4. Are there A/C and Non A/c rooms for hostellers?

Ans. – Yes, we have both A/c and Non A/c rooms.

Q-5. What is the process of allotment of seat?

Ans.–  Allotment is on the first cum first serve basis, usually, when the number of applicants are more than the number of hostel seats, a waiting list is drawn up and allocation is as per the list and availability arising.

Q-6. Do you have hostel accommodation with attached/ common bathrooms?

Ans.– We have accommodation with both attached and common bathrooms.

Q.-7.What is the sharing capacity of rooms in hostels?

Ans.–  We have two seater, three seater rooms for boys and two seater, three seater for girls.

Q-8.  What are the charges for hostels?

Ans – 8300/- (starting)

Q-9. What types of facilities do you provide to the hostellers?

Ans.–  Facilities include 24x7 security, 24×7 power back up, 24×7 internet connectivity, laundry, sports facilities, First Aid and medical facilities.

Q-10. Do you have separate mess for girls and boys?

Ans.–  Yes, we have separate mess for girls and boys.

Q-11. How many meals are provided?

Ans.–  Four meals, which includes Breakfast ,Lunch , Evening Snacks and Dinner.

Q-12 What is the quality of food?

Ans.– The university engages mess facilities contract companies each year based on parameters and performance evaluation of Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). The menu is drawn in consultation with representatives of students and other experienced staff. Highest quality of food is maintained and strict hygiene standards are adhered to.

Q -13 Do you engage the hostellers in other activities also?

Ans.–  To provide a healthy competitive and diverse cultural learning environment ,there are committees for cultural and sports activities. Meets are organized alongside other special occasions regularly. Hostels organise almost all festivals celebrated across the country. The Hostel is a platform for the students to develop all their talents. Hostel Day is organized with variety of entertainment programs. It is indeed a spring board for many to begin well.

Q-14 What type of basic infrastructure has been provided to the hostellers?

Ans.–  A basic bed with mattress, study table, chair and cupboard is assured to every boarder with air conditioning / Non AC alongside attached bath / Common facility as opted for.

Q-15 Are there any regulations of timings for the hostellers?

Ans.–  Yes, hostellers are expected to finish off their day’s outdoor engagements by 1900 Hrs( 7 PM) during winters and 2000 Hrs (8PM) during summers. The parents/ guardians are expected to inform minimum 2 days in advance through Registered Mobile Number in case of any variation. The institution follows this policy strictly.

Q-16 What is the system or process for hostellers to visit their home town?

Ans.– Every parent/ guardian is expected to register authorized signatures and mobile number at the time of joining the hostel. The parents / guardians are contacted for verification on the listed RMN for any authorized movement of the hostellers.

 Confirmatory calls from Hostel Wardens are made to the guardian for authorizing movement of their wards. The Mobile Numbers of Hostel Wardens are displayed on the Notice Boards. Applications can be moved over e-mail and WhatsApp. Application directly received from hostellers are also shared with parents and confirmation sought.

Q-17 How are the hostellers expected to make sundry purchases for day to day use?

Ans.–  We provide college transport once in a month to the hostellers to purchase utility items.

Q.-18 If some hosteller falls sick or gets injured, what actions are taken by the administration?

Ans.–  We have First Aid Medical Kit available in each hostel. We also run OPD between Monday – Saturday during day time and a Medical practitioner is available to provide free of cost consultation to the hostellers.

We have a 24*7 facility of ambulance to take the ailing patient to the hospital in the proximity of the University. Hostel Wardens are expected to accompany the injured and infirm in ambulance and medical attention delivered according to doctors.

In case of any medical emergency, the parents of the student are contacted immediately to come and take care of their wards.

Q-19 Do you have Medical Insurance policy for hostellers?

Ans.–  Yes, all the hostellers are insured for mediclaim including Personal Accident insurance up to a specified value.

Q-20 What about ragging?

Ans.–  SNU is a  ragging free zone  in  hostels as well as in Campus. The different committees have been formulated for this purpose. The University has zero tolerance policy strictly in compliance with Honourable Supreme Court /Govt.of India /UGC/ AICTE/ State Gov. Regulations.

.Q-21 Can the hostler keep vehicle in the hostel?

Ans.–  Yes, the hostler can keep vehicle in the hostel with the written permission from the competent authority.

 Q- 22 Do you have laundry facility in the hostel?

Ans.–  Yes we have Laundry facility in the Hostel. Facility is provided with nominal charges. Both wet cleaning and ironing are offered.

Q -23 What about the security of our students who are in the hostel?


Security Guard: The entire campus is highly secured, so are the hostels. Nobody can enter the hostel without permission as we have deputed 24*7 professional security guards to avoid any untoward incidence.

Electronic Surveillance: The entire campus is under the surveillance of CCTV cameras round the clock.

Visit of Hostel: There are regular rounds of hostel warden in morning and evening sessions. The absentees are followed up and anyone found ill is taken to the hospital, if need be and special care is taken including his/ her meals.

Night attendance: There is Night attendance of all inmates, just before retiring to bed; we have a provision to take attendance of hostellers. Anybody, found missing in the hostel, is immediately brought to the attention of the parents over phone.

Q: What are the job opportunities in Agricultural Sciences?

Public Sector

1. There are plenty of job opportunities in various central and state agricultural development departments for agricultural graduates to join as Assistant Director of Agriculture (ADA) that is Agricultural Officer in gazetted rank in state department. The post is equivalent to that of the Block Development Officer (BDO).

2. Similarly, there are opportunities to join as Joint Director of Horticulture in the state department of horticulture and as Soil Conservation Officer in soil and water conservation department in the states. Recruitment to these posts is made on the basis of competitive examination conducted by the State Public Service Commission/concerned department. The agriculture graduates are also sought after as teachers in rural public schools.

3. A number of nationalized banks and private sector banks offer openings for agriculture and allied science graduates as Field Officers, Rural Development Officers and Agricultural and Probationary Officers.

4. Job opportunities also exist in seed companies as Seed Officer, Scientist, Technical Officer and so many suitable positions. Other opportunities exist in the areas of farm/tea garden management, land appraisal, agricultural grading, packaging and labeling.

5. Career opportunities also lie in Agro- industry sector where agro- industry provides jobs to postgraduates in agriculture as scientists, in sales & marketing and as production experts. These areas of work relate to production, food processing, grain and seed processing, machinery and equipment, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicide and others for which agricultural personnel with adequate qualification/knowledge in the respective field are required.

6. There are several government agencies at centre, state and district levels (MARKFED, PUNSUP, Mandi Board, various other state level and central level agricultural boards and organizations) with openings for agricultural graduates. Various corporations and agencies viz. National Seed Corporation, State Farm Corporation, Warehousing Corporation, Food Corporation and agricultural food processing and export related agencies also to provide job openings to agriculturists.

7. In addition, after post-graduation, one may get placement as plant quarantine agricultural technician, agricultural consultant, agricultural statistician, and implement the regulations for food, feed, and seed & fertilizers.

8. At the international level, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, ICRISAT, ILRI, and some other agencies related to the development of agriculture also appoint agricultural consultants.

9. Agriculture with higher degree may choose career under ICAR in the areas of research and become an Agricultural Research Scientist (ARS). The recruitment to these posts is made through ARS/ NET examination conducted by ASRB for scientific posts and lectureship in SAUs.

10. Agricultural graduate with bachelor degree can apply for some technical posts in ICAR institutes. Technical post of the level of T-5 (Technical Officer) is having a better option for post-graduate and above.

11. Technical posts like T-6 & above and Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) in Krishi Vigyan Kendras are having better opportunities for Ph.D. degree holders. The postgraduate students may also work as Research Associates or Senior Research Fellow in ICAR funded research schemes.

12. The agricultural graduates are also eligible to apply for Indian Civil Services (IAS/IFS and Allied Services) examination conducted by Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi as well as respective state service examination.

Private Sector

1. Agro-based industries such as seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and sugar industries are some of the potential sectors in which a large number of agricultural graduates may get placement well before their completion of graduation. In order to tap the potential of food industries, several retailing markets such as Reliance Fresh, Aditya Birla Group, Walmart, ITC, Nilgiris, Pantaloons, Q-shops, Food Bazaars and others are expanding their business that augment job opportunities for agriculture graduates.

2. Jobs are also offered in the field of agricultural marketing and sales, transportation, farm utilities, storage, warehousing, etc. both in the public and private sector.

3. Entrepreneurship: Agriculture graduates can become good entrepreneurs. There are a number of success stories of agri-preneurs in the field of agriculture, horticulture and related fields. The Student READY programme introduced by the ICAR in the undergraduate curriculum motivates them to seek self-employment and become entrepreneurs. This eventually helps them to turn out as job providers rather than job seekers. There is a great opportunity for start-ups and standup programmes in agriculture and its allied sectors.

4. Insofar as entrepreneurship is concerned, there are about 135 sub-sectors in agriculture. The Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, in association with NABARD has launched a unique programme to take better methods of farming to each and every farmer across the country.

5. This programme aims to tap the expertise available in the large pool of agriculture graduates. Irrespective of whether one is a fresh graduate or not or whether one is currently employed or not, one can set up his/ her own Agri-Clinic or Agri-Business Centre and offer professional extension services to innumerable farmers. MANAGE, Hyderabad, organizes ‘free of cost’ training programs for students for a period of three months. On completion, students get a certificate which is a pre-requisite for the individuals before qualifying to secure a loan up to 5 lakh from the nationalized banks funded by NABARD. This financial support helps the graduates to set up their agri-based business.

Q: What are the job opportunities in Fisheries Science?
Fishery is one of the fastest growing sub-sectors of the animal husbandry sector. With the total fish production at 11.4 MT (2016-17), India ranks second in the world and used to contribute to an amount of about 1% to over all GDP.

Public Sector

1. A number of development schemes are being implemented, both by state and central governments for the development of fisheries sector in the country. To run these schemes, a large number of personnel are recruited. After completing the Master’s and Ph.D. degree, they become eligible to apply for the post of Scientist in various ICAR institutes as well as Assistant Professor in Agricultural Universities.

2. Aquaculture: Job opportunities exist as Hatchery Manager (India and/or abroad mainly in South Asian and African countries), Aquaculture Consultant, Farm Operator (India and/or abroad mainly in African countries), Technical Officer in research institutes, national organizations, e.g. National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) and state fisheries department, etc., feed technologist in feed manufacturing companies, subject matter specialist in KVK’s, pharmaceutical industry for the preparation of various medicines, as a fishery inspector or a deep sea fishery worker.

3. Fish processing: The job openings are available as Quality Inspector in fish processing plants (India and/or abroad mainly in Middle East, South East and African countries), Auditor (Inspection) (India and/or abroad mainly in Middle East, South East and African countries), HACCP Manager/Consultant (India and/or abroad mainly in Middle East, South East and African countries), Technical Officer/Project Officer in MPEDA, CIFT, EIA, CIFNET, FSI, NIO, WHO, NACA, NABARD and other related sectors, Supply Chain Manager in Super Market Chains like Reliance, Tata, and Godrej Agro.

4. Fisheries Extension: There is a scope to work as Assistant Director/Fishery Extension Officer (FEO)/Inspector of Fisheries /Assistant Fishery Development Officer (AFDO) in state fisheries department. Apart from these, fisheries’ graduates and postgraduates can find opportunities in the banking sector as Agricultural Officer/Field Officer in national banks, as lecturer in vocational higher secondary schools, state government, teaching positions in state fisheries agencies, South Asian and African countries. They are also eligible to apply for all the Central Civil Services (IAS, IPS, IFS etc.) and State Services (Group I and Group II officers).

5. Entrepreneurship: Commercial fish farming, seed production and export of marine products and ornamental fishes are potential areas of self- employment and entrepreneurship development in fisheries.