School of Humanities

School of Humanities

As DESNU has the advantage of being a new Department, it offers English Literature courses that are neither old nor rigidly traditional. Our syllabi are cutting edge and innovative. Students will get to learn not only about the different genres and periods, read Milton and Shakespeare, Wordsworth and T.S. Eliot, but also read about Science Fiction and Detective Literature, Indian and Western classics, films and graphic novels, Partition stories and Gender issues in literature. They will come to understand how much literature studies involve reading culture, society, psychology and human rights in equal measure.

An English Literature student at Sister Nivedita University will do much more than just attend classes and take examinations. The professors in the English Department will go much beyond giving you facts and information. They will actually help to develop your knowledge in the subject and to train you in the skills that employers the world over look out for.

The English Department will try to hone the student’s

  • Critical Thinking abilities.
  • Communication skills.
  • Creativity.
  • Skills in Text Analysis.
  • Develop the Students’ Group Dynamics.


These are skills that are likely to be high in demand in the near future, as automation, robotics and developments in Artificial Intelligence will move the focus away from the typical technical knowledge-based jobs to ones that require the reading, sorting and comprehension of metadata – all of which the students may gain competence in by taking our courses. 

CoursesYearsSemesterEligibility CriteriaMarks Required
BA (English)48Passed/Appeared in 10 + 2 (Stream: Any Stream)50%
BA (History)48Passed/Appeared in 10 + 2 (Stream: Any Stream)
MA (English)24Passed/Appeared B.A. (Hons.) in English50%
MA (History)24Passed/Appeared B.A. (Hons.) in History50%
Dr. Subir Kumar Dhar




Prof. Dhar taught at Rabindra Bharati University for over thirty-five years before   joining the Department of English at Sister Nivedita University. At Rabindra Bharati University he had been the officiating Vice-Chancellor as well as the Director of its School of Languages and Culture. His research interests include Semeiotics, hermeneutics, Postcolonialism, translation studies, language studies, Gelotology and Popular Culture.    



PhD from Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta [Jadavpur University]


Dr. Basu, has completed her PhD from the prestigious Centre for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta [Jadavpur University]. She has a background in the humanities from the University of Kalyani. With over a decade of teaching experience at Sri Krishna College and The Bhawanipore Education Society, she specializes in Theatre Studies, Performance Studies, Masculinity Studies, and Film Studies. She is at present the Head of the Department of English at Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. 



Professor and former head, dept of English and former dean, faculty of arts, Calcutta University


Professor and former head, dept of English and former dean, faculty of arts, Calcutta University has been the recipient of the fulbright postdoctoral fellowship and fulbright scholar in residence grant, Australia India council fellowship, gender studies fellowship grant, University of British Columbia, among others. She has been invited to participate in conferences and has taught/lectured at universities in the USA, UK, Europe, Canada and Australia.

She is the president, executive council, of the Indian poetry and performance library, ICCR, Kolkata.
Sahitya akademi new Delhi Nominated her as the convenor of the English language board.

She is a member of Sahitya akademi Delhi's general council. In 2018, she taught in Poland, as visiting Professor, at the Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
She received the IWSFF Women achievers award, kolkata in 2019 and the Wei Kamala das poetry award in 2020.

Professor (Dr.) Probal Roy Chowdhury

Professor - English


Dr. Probal Roy Chowdhury, currently the Director of the Centre for New India Studies at SNU, and Professor, Department of English, has been in academia since 2006. Earlier in his career, he has taught English and Cultural Studies at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore, served as a Fellow with the Centre for Policy Studies, Chennai, worked as a consultant for the TVS Educational Society, and curated projects for one of India’s leading political consultancy firms. Recipient of various awards and accolades, including the Azad Fellowship and a book writing grant from Motwani Jadeja Foundation, US, Prof. Roy Chowdhury’s interests lie in the teaching and research of pre-British Indian society and polity, especially indigenous education in eighteenth and nineteenth century India; socio-cultural, religious and philosophical traditions of Bengal; Indian writing in English; and postcolonialism.


Associate Professor – English

PhD from Duquesne University, U.S.A. and an M.A. degree from Jadavpur University.


Madhuchhanda Ray Choudhury, Associate Professor and former English Department Head in Sister Nivedita University, has a PhD from Duquesne University, U.S.A. and an M.A. degree from Jadavpur University. Her research interests are in 18 th Century British Novel, Gothic writing, Monsters and Monstrosity. She guides research and teaches 17 th and 18 th century British Literature, British Romantic Literature and Critical Theory. She has published several papers and book chapters in national and international publications. A former Assistant Professor in Amity University, she was HOD in St. Xavier’s University and has also served as Resource Person in Viswa Bharati University and Osmania University.



Pursuing her Ph.D. She completed her graduation from Bidhannagar Govt. College in 2013 and MA from West Bengal State University in 2015.


Ms. Das has been teaching at SNU since 2018 and currently pursuing her Ph.D. She completed her graduation from Bidhannagar Govt. College in 2013 and MA from West Bengal State University in 2015. She cracked both UGC NET and WBSET in the same year (2017). Her additional qualification includes a B.ED degree from WBUTTEPA in 2016 and a Certificate course in Sanskrit from Jadavpur University in 2023. Her research interests include Mahabharata Studies, Indian Writing in English, Tagore studies, Literature and Film. She has published academic papers and creative writings (poetry) in edited volumes and journals. Besides being a literary enthusiast, she indulges in various cultural activities like script writing, direction and performance.

Swarnendu Dam


(Ph.D.) Research Scholar in West Bengal State University, post-graduation from West Bengal State University with a Gold Medal in 2022


Swarnendu Dam is the youngest Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata, India. He is also a Doctoral (Ph.D.) Research Scholar in West Bengal State University working on Post-Millennial Indian Dystopian Fiction. He is an associate member of the Centre for Studies in Gender, Culture and Media, West Bengal State University since 2021. He worked as a Research Assistant under Dr. Abhijeet Paul, University of California, Barkley on the issue of Environmental and Community Justice. His area of interests are Environment & Literature, Caste  & Literature, Crisis Literature and Vulnerability Studies.

Dr. Priyanka Chakraborty



Dr. Priyanka Chakraborty is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. Her doctoral thesis is based on Tibetan narratives in PRC, Exile and Diaspora.She worked as a Fulbright Fellow at Fries Centre for Global Studies, Wesleyan University, Connecticut. She has published her work in various International journals and as book chapters, and has presented her work in various national and internal conferences. Her areas of interest include Oral and performative traditions, Literature in Translation, , Tibetan literature, women writings, Bengali Literature, Buddhist Studies, Memory and Trauma studies, Chinese and East Asian literature, Classical Literature, etc.

Dr. Archita Banerjee


PhD from Banaras Hindu University


Dr. Archita Banerjee is a PhD from Banaras Hindu University. She previously worked as a language and content editor for the NITI-Aayog Project at the Anthropological Survey of India, Head Office, Kolkata under the Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. Earlier she had taught as part-time faculty at Mahila Mahavidyalaya, BHU and Bangabasi Morning College. She is an ethnographer and carries out extensive field work in the area of folklore. She is an executive member actively associated with the Centre for Folklore Studies and Research. She has taught translation skills to undergraduate students for the UGC programme in BHU and has, on several occasions, assisted poets in translating their works. She also translates works from Hindi to English. Her research and teaching interests include Folklore studies, Postcolonial studies, Shakespearean Literature, 20th century British literature, Genre fiction, and Bengal cultural studies.


Lecturer - English

Pursuing her Ph.D. in English from St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata, M.A. and M. Phil degrees from Calcutta University,


Ms. Debdatta Mitra is pursuing her Ph.D. in English from St. Xavier’s University, Kolkata. She has obtained her M.A. and M. Phil. (English) degrees from the University of Calcutta. She has been teaching since 2017 having previously taught at Manindra Chandra College under the University of Calcutta, and is currently engaged at Sister Nivedita University since 2020. She has an advanced degree (B2) in French from Alliance Française du Bengale. Her research interests include Modernism, Postmodernism, and Art history.


Visiting Faculty - English

M. Phil. on Trauma, Mother Archetype and Bengal Partition and his doctoral degree is on Literature of the Apocalypse.


Dr. Prasanta Ghoshal has been a visiting faculty for the last five years at Sister Nivedita University since 2019 and is a lecturer at Sir Gurudas Mahavidyalaya, a govt. college affiliated with the University of Calcutta for the last thirteen years since 2010. Besides, he is a coordinator and visiting faculty of colleges affiliated with Calcutta University, West Bengal State University, NSOU, DODL Kalyani University, IGNOU etc. He is also a NAAC Coordination Committee Member, and a participant in Academic Staff Committee self-development workshops and UGC-HRDC, University of Calcutta. He has completed his M. Phil. on Trauma, Mother Archetype and Bengal Partition and his doctoral degree is on Literature of the Apocalypse. He has researched on partition and contemporary politics, trauma studies, Foucault studies, crisis psychology, tribal life and women, and doomsday studies etc. He has chaired and presented several papers in national and international seminars and workshops.

Mr. Sudipta Saha

Visiting Faculty - English

Masters in English with a first class, and then B.Ed., PGDBPS, and an M.Phil. in Foreign Policy Studies


Sudipta Saha is a Full-Time Lecturer and Head of the Department of English, Surendranath College (Kolkata). He was educated at the University of Calcutta, from where he received the Masters in English with a first class, and then B.Ed., PGDBPS, and an M.Phil. in Foreign Policy Studies, which was awarded to him in 2019. His areas of research interest include Modernism in English Literature (fiction), American Short Stories, Contemporary Fiction, Changes in British Politics and Monarchy, American Foreign Policy and International Security Issues. In 2017, he worked briefly with the editorial team of New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd., a reputed publication house in Kolkata. He has published multiple chapters in edited books and numerous research articles in various national as well as international journals. He has also worked on a research project on Bangladesh in 2019, which was sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India. Since March 2024, he is a member of the Reviewer Panel of Creativitas: Critical Explorations in Literary Studies, an Online Double-Blind Peer-Reviewed Journal. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Development Studies from the Institute of Development Studies Kolkata (IDSK), affiliated to the University of Calcutta.

Ms. Paramita Routh Roy

Visiting Faculty - English

M.Phil. Research scholar at Jadavpur University and she is pursuing her research on African Literature


Ms. Paramita Routh Roy has done her M.Phil. from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India on African Literature with special emphasis on Black Masculinity Studies. She is currently working as a faculty in the Department of English at Sister Nivedita University, New Town. After completing her post-graduation from University of Calcutta, Ms. Roy has cleared UGC-NET examination in 2019. She has done her specialization in Gender Studies, Harold Pinter’s works and Modern European Classics. Many of her research works have been published in journals of national and international repute. Her contributions to Black Masculinity Studies have been recognized by the African Literature Association and she is looking forward to her future collaborations with them. Her research interests include African Literature, Afro-American Literature, Urdu Literature and Queer Studies.

Rohit Dutta Roy

Assistant Professor & HOD - History


Rohit Dutta Roy is a historian of modern South Asia. Rohit has been a Cambridge International Trust doctoral scholar at the Faculty of History, University of Cambridge. His academic work focuses on politico-intellectual history, applied history and public policies informing disciplines, institutions, and identity formation. Before he began his doctoral project at Cambridge, Rohit completed a first-class MPhil in History from Jawaharlal Nehru University, a first-class MA in History from the University of Delhi, and first-class BA and MA degrees in Comparative Literature from Jadavpur University.  He has qualified for Assistant Professorship in History through the National Eligibility Test (NET).

He has taught Indian Political Thought and Policy History at both Cambridge and India. He has also taught undergraduate research-oriented courses such as the History of Democracy, Global Migration and Citizenship, Gandhian Approaches to Peace and Conflict Studies, etc. He has taught courses on Historical Arguments and Practice, World History Since 1914, for the Faculty of History, Jesus College and Pembroke College, Cambridge. Rohit’s bylines have appeared in Indian English and bilingual dailies, including The Telegraph, The Wire, Newslaundry, the Citizen. His research papers and review essays have been published by Orient Blackswan and various University Press Journals. 

Somreeta Majumdar

Assistant Professor - History


Dr. Somreeta Majumdar is currently  Assistant Professor of Department of History at Sister Nivedita University, New Town. She received PhD from Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan. She worked on the landscape and cultural milieu of the Buddhist establishments of West Bengal. She completed MA in History from University of Delhi and BA in History (Hons.) from Jadavpur University. She qualified UGC NET in 2018 and started teaching History at Kalyani Mahavidyalaya. Her research interests include Art and Archaeology of Buddhism, landscape study, Archaeology and History of Early Medieval India.




Sarda Singh received her doctorate at the Centre for Historical Studies, School of Social Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She graduated in History at St. Stephen’s College, New Delhi and went on to pursue her Masters and MPhil in Modern Indian History at Jawaharlal Nehru University. Her Ph.D. work, titled “Sepoy Experiences in World War I: Medicine, Morale and Health (1914-18)”, explores the experiences of the Indian soldiers, their challenges, struggles, self-esteem, loyalties and griefs. In her MPhil dissertation titled “Madness and the Raj: Case Histories of European and Native Lunatics in Colonial India” she examined the relationship between ‘madness’ and colonialism. 

She is presently working as a Visiting Faculty at the Department of History, Sister Nivedita University, Kolkata. She has published her articles in various journals and presented her research in national and international conferences. Her research interests include South Asian History, History of Colonial Science and Medicine, Military Medicine, History of War, History of Psychiatry, History of Emotions, Insanity and Gendered Violence. 

Arkaprava Sarkar



Arkaprava Sarkar is currently a Visiting Faculty in the Department of History, Sister Nivedita University. He also serves as a Research Consultant at the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. Previously, Arkaprava has also taught as a Visiting Faculty in the Department of South & Southeast Asian Studies, University of Calcutta, as well as in the Department of History, Hindi University, Howrah.
For his first degrees in History (BA and MA), Arkaprava was trained at Presidency University (formerly Presidency College), Kolkata, where he secured the First Rank in his Master's examination. Arkaprava obtained his M. Phil degree in History from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, where his thesis focused on exploring the social history of medicine in colonial India. His research sought to reconsider and reexamine the position of the white soldier's body within late nineteenth century medical/therapeutic discourses. His research interests also include the histories of science, gender, and spatiality

Currently there is no Notice
CoursesFee During Admission (Including 1st Semester Fee / 1st installment for annual scheme)Fee 2nd semester / 2nd installment onwardsProgram Fees Total
BA (English)6600030000276000
BA (History)6100025000236000
MA (English)7200036000180000
MA (History)6300027000144000


SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseCurriculum Structure & Syllabus
School of HumanitiesEnglishBA (English)Click To View
School of HumanitiesHistoryBA (History)Click To View
School of HumanitiesEnglishMA (English)Click To View
School of HumanitiesHistoryMA (History)Click To View
SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseTime Table
SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseOBE Framework

Saturday with a Scholar

Saturday with a Scholar

Saturday with a Scholar

School of Humanities

After earning a degree in English literature students may find employment in the following fields

  • Publication industry
  • Advertising or mass-media or take up a career in journalism
  • Editing and publishing
  • Technical writing
  • Content developing
  • Teacher in a School, or as an Assistant Professor in a College or University after getting your degree.