

The Department of Mathematics at Sister Nivedita University, has strived to be a centre of excellence in mathematics and computing, and it has been vigorously engaged in research, teaching and training.


The objective of the department is to enable the students

  • To be competent and motivated professionals with sound theoretical and practical knowledge in mathematics.
  • To apply the knowledge of post-graduate course with strong foundation to join research or to serve in industry
  • To create an atmosphere to produce researchers with clear thinking and determination who can, in future, become experts in relevant areas of mathematics, statistics, computer science banking sectors or even if in corporate world.
  • To cater to the development of the nation, through research, consultancy and training activities.

CoursesYearsSemesterEligibility CriteriaMarks Required
B.Sc. (Mathematics) (Honours / Honours with Research)48Passed/Appeared in 10 + 2 (Stream: Science with Maths/Statistics)55%
M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics)24 Passed/Appeared B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics55%
Ph.D. (Applied Mathematics) (Full Time / Part Time)3 or 5
Dr. Abhik Sur

Assistant Professor and HOD - Mathematics

Ph. D. (Sc.)


 Employment / Education / Miscellaneous :

Academic Qualifications :

  • Ph. D. from University of Calcutta in the year 2016
  • M. Sc. from University of Calcutta in the year 2010
  • B. Sc. from University of Calcutta in 2008


Teaching Experiences:

  • Working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Sister Nivedita University from 08-08-2019 till date.
  • Worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Techno Main Salt Lake since 19-07-2011 to 07-08-2019.
  • Worked as a Guest teacher in the Department of Mathematics, PG course in Rabindra Bharati University over several years.
  • Worked as a Guest teacher in the Department of Mathematics, Vidyasagar College, affiliated to University of Calcutta from 02-09-2010 till 15-07-2011.


67 publications (62 research papers in international/national journals, 5 publications in Conference Proceedings),  1 article as a chapter in books.

According to Google scholar 1091 citations h_index 21 and I10 Index  44


Orcid ID:

Google Scholar:

Research Gate:

 Area of Research: Generalized Thermoelasticity, Solid mechanics, Memory dependent derivative.

Prof. (Dr.) Mridula Kanoria

Professor -Mathematics

Ph. D. (Sc.)


Academic Qualifications :

  • Post Doctoral from Indian Statistical Institute
  • Ph. D. from University of Calcutta
  • M. Sc. In Applied Mathematics, Gold Medalist, University of Calcutta
  • B. Sc. (Honrs) In Mathematics from the University of Calcutta

Area of Research: Thermoelasticity and Solid Mechanics, Fractional Calculus, Crack- Problems in Elasticity,

                             Computational Methods,Memory dependent derivatives,Bio Mathematics,Water Waves



Prof. (Dr.) Pradip Dutta Gupta

Professor -Mathematics

B Sc(Hons) in Mathematics, St Xavier’s College, MSc & Ph.D in Mathematics, Jadavpur University


Prof Pradip Dutta Gupta is a Graduate (Mathematics Hons) of St Xavier’s College, Kolkata and has Masters in Mathematics (1987) from Jadavpur University. He joined as teacher of Mathematics in substantive post in an undergraduate College of University of Calcutta in 1988 and thereafter earned Ph.D from Jadavpur University (2002).
He has experience in teaching Mathematics and Statistics for Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses for general, management, specialisation and interdisciplinary programmes of different Universities for more than three decades. He has semester long teaching experience in BRAC University in Bangladesh (2006). He also has been invited for talks to Bloomsburg University, USA (2005), Moreno Valley College, USA (2012) and Costa, Hiroshima, Japan (2018). Additionally, he has collaborative research experience with Rollins College, Florida USA (2015). He has presented academic papers in various National and International Seminars in IITs and Indian Science Congress.
Being engaged with Boy Scouts movement and recipient of President’s Badge as a Scout (1982) from Hon’ble President Nilam Sanjeev Reddy, his passion remains mentoring students and motivating young adults in their career management.


Assistant Professor - Mathematics

Ph.D from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur in 2017


Academic Qualification:

  • Ph.D from Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology Shibpur in 2017.
  • M.Sc in Applied Mathematics from Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur in 2011.
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) from St. Xavier’s College Kolkata in 2009.

Teaching Experience:

  • Working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Sister Nivedita University since 30.6.2022 till date.
  • Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Techno Main Salt Lake from 1.08.2011 to 29.06.2022.

Area of Research:

Cosmology and Astrophysics (General Relativity and Gravitation, Dark Energy,
Modified Gravity, Compact Star)

  • 17 publications in peer reviewed international journal.
  • Published one book entitled “Dark Energy: The Driving Force of Accelerating Universe” from lambert academic publishing house.
  • According to Google scholar citations: 84, h_index: 5 and i10_index: 4.




Dr. Subhadeep Naskar

Assistant Professor - Mathematics

PhD from Jadavpur University in Mathematics.


PhD from Jadavpur University in Mathematics.

Anamika Dash

Assistant Professor - Mathematics

M. Sc., Pursuing Ph.D.



Assistant Professor - Mathematics

Ph. D. from Jadavpur University, M. Sc. from Jadavpur University, B. Sc. from Jadavpur University


Teaching Experiences:

  • Working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Sister Nivedita University since 17.11.2024 till date
  • Worked as visiting faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Sister Nivedita University from 22.09.2024 to 17.11.2024
  • Worked as teaching assistant in the Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University from 04.01.2016 to 30.12.2016
  • Worked as visiting faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology from 02.01.2015 to 31.05.2015
  • Worked as guest faculty in the Department of Mathematics, Aliah University from 22.07.2014 to 31.12.2015


Area of Research:

General Relativity and Cosmology, Astrophysics, Black hole and Wormhole Physics, Dark Energy and Modified Gravity, Compact Star and Gravastars.

Publication details:

11 publications (11 research papers in peer reviewed international journals)

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SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseCurriculum Structure & Syllabus
School of SciencesMathematicsB.Sc. (Mathematics) (Honours / Honours with Research)Click To View
School of SciencesMathematicsM.Sc. (Applied Mathematics)Click To View
School of SciencesMathematicsPh.D. (Applied Mathematics) (Full Time / Part Time)Click To View
SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseTime Table
SNU SchoolDepartmentCourseOBE Framework