Plant Pathology

Plant Pathology

The Department of Plant Pathology at Sister Nivedita University has had a strong impact on plant health, agricultural development, and ecosystem vitality on a local, national, and international scale. As one of the longest, most diverse, and most successful graduate education programs in plant pathology in the world, the graduate program in Plant Pathology offers courses of study leading to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees, while undergraduate education focuses on the needs of plants in relation to nutrients, pathogens, and insects. 

The Graduate Program in Plant Pathology and the Department of Plant Pathology is committed to providing equal access to educational opportunities that promote diversity, foster successful academic experiences, and cultivate the leaders of the next generation.

Our research and educational priorities reflect the contemporary complexities of our field. These emphases include:

Plant Disease Biology and Disease Management

Genetics, Genomics, and Application of Plant Disease Resistance

Microbial Biology, Pathogenomics, and Microbiome Research

The School of Agricultural Sciences is the new initiative of Techno-India Group of Institutions where it is proposed to introduce B Sc (Ag) Hons Course as per rules and regulations of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the system of agricultural education wherein teaching, research and extension programme are proposed to be included in conformity with maintaining standard and quality at par in other institutions imparting the degree in agriculture and allied sciences;

Importance of Agriculture Education System

India, accounting for 17% of world's population and over 30% of world’s smallholder farmers, and hardly 2.5% of the world's land and 4% of world’s water resources, greatly impacts and gets impacted by the state of global food, agriculture and natural resource system. Hence, India Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), apex body of the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India come forward to design the course-curriculum in imparting agricultural education, conducting agricultural research and transferring proven technologies (extension) to the farmers to boost up agricultural productivity maintaining uniformity throughout the country. The major global initiatives and foresight must be kept in mind while developing leadership in agricultural sciences to ensure global competitiveness, equitable knowledge sharing, and environmental sustainability. The new curricula, courses and contents have been designed as recommended by the 5th Dean’s Committee constituted to let the students aware of the new global initiatives, such as Global Green Economy; Knowledge Economy; Global Zero Hunger Challenge; UN International Year and International Agriculture and Development Challenge, 2050.

Over the years, the visibility of basic sciences in agricultural curricula has decreased; On the other hand, globally greater emphasis is being placed on life sciences - biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, molecular biology, biotechnology, bio-remediation, bioenergy, biosecurity and computational biology. Agriculture graduates and scientists should increasingly seek employment and research opportunities in these frontier areas. Rural Appraisal Work Education (RAWE) and Hands on Training will remain extremely important in this context, the science-based hands on learning experience be duly promoted.


CoursesYearsSemesterEligibility CriteriaMarks Required
Dr. Sanchari Roy

Assistant Professor - School of Agricultural Sciences

B.Sc. (Ag) Hons. from BCKV in2011, M.Sc (Ag) from BCKV 2013, phD in Plant Pathology from BCKV 2017, NET qualified in the year 2017


Research Achievements

Two years of laboratory and field work on a project entitled with “Morphology and Biochemical Variation of Some Alternaria species Infected on Different Vegetable Crops” during M.Sc.

Three years of research work including field & laboratory work on a project entitled with “Characterization of Different Foliage Infecting Fungal Pathogens of Cowpea under West Bengal condition” during Ph.D.

Research publications

I) First Report of Corynespora cassicola (Berk & M.A. Curtis) C.T. Wei) causing

leaf Spot on Cowpea (Vigna ungiculata.L). Sanchari Roy, Vikas Kumar Ravat

and Amitava Basu. J Mycol Plant Pathol. 45(3): 314.

II) Cultural, morphological and biochemical variations of Alternaria sp causing

diseases on different vegetables. Sanchari Roy and Srikanta Das. J. Mycopathol

Res. 54(1): 29-34.

III) Rice: A new host of Choanephora cucurbitarum in West Bengal Vikas K. Ravat,

Sanchari Roy and Amitava Basu. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 23(1): 158-199.

IV) Roy, S., Chakraborty, S. and Basu, A. 2017. In vitro Evaluation for Antagonistic

Potential of Some Bio Control Isolates against Important Foliar Fungal

Pathogens of Cowpea. Int. J. Curr. Microbiol. App. Sci. 6(9): 2998-3011.

V) Seasonal incidence of foliar diseases of cowpea and their eco-friendly

management through shifting of planting time. Sanchari Roy and Amitava

Basu. ISSN:2338-1345- 9(1): 45-57. Available in online

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